Poly(L-lactide) is an implantable and biodegradable aliphatic polyester, with good bioabsorbability and biocompatibility. The degradation products are naturally excreted from the body through metabolism with no harm or adverse effect
可吸收接骨螺钉和可吸收接骨板由聚左旋乳酸(PLLA )和羟基磷灰石(HA )共混制成,经过自增强创新工艺技术加工,具有 良好的力学性能和生物相容性。主要用于手、足踝、上肢干骺端、胫腓骨远端部位骨折内固定。在骨折愈合期(6个月内),本产品降解速度缓慢,充分保证骨折断端的生物力学要求。在骨折愈合后(6个月后),本产品的降解速度加快,终通过代谢排出体外。本产品不需要二次手术取出。
The absorbable bone screws and bone plates, made by self-reinforce technique, are with high mechanical strength and good biocompatibility. They are intended for use in internal fixation of fractures in hand, foot and ankle, metaphysis of upper limb, and the distal end of tibia and fibula. Through the critical phases of healing (within 6 months since broken), the products degrade slowly with fully ability to meet the strength requirements of the fracture site. Six months later, after bone healing, the degradation starts to speed up. There is no need of a secondary surgery to remove the product.