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  • 联系人:塞拉
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公司名称 赛乐国际贸易有限公司
资料认证 企业资料未认证
保 证 金 ¥0.00
公司类型 企业单位 (制造商,贸易商)
所 在 地 一带一路/俄罗斯
注册资本 未填写
注册年份 1998
经营模式 制造商,贸易商
经营范围 服装及其配饰、服饰面辅料、鞋帽、针纺织品、箱包、伞具、文具、卫浴用品、蜡烛、饰品的批发、佣金代理(拍卖除外)、进出口并提供相关配套服务;国际贸易、转口贸易、区内企业间的贸易及贸易代理;区内商业性简单加工;区内贸易咨询服务(不涉及国营贸易管理商品,涉及配额、许可证管理、专项规定管理的商品按照国家有关规定办理)。
主营行业 服装配饰类企业    
Founded in 1991, the SELA Corporation is now one of the acknowledged leaders in the world of casual wear collections. SELA means comfortable and fashionable collections for self-confident people possessing their own style and seeking to enjoy the modern way of life and to be found attractive by those around them. We never stop seeking to understand our customers′ wishes, aspirations and lifestyles yet better, and so we help them fulfill themselves with the wear and accessories by SELA. We recognize our goal as building an international network of brandname stores meeting the highest customer demands for the level of service, the quality of the collections presented, and the choices offered.

The SELA brandname network is a system of uniform stores developing on the franchising basis. The first SELA store opened in St. Petersburg in 1997. Pioneering in the Russian fashion retail at the time, SELA was actually the first in the country ever to introduce the brandname retail concept and has gone a long way from small and family oriented boutiques to a nationwide fashion wear brand.

By introducing our affordable and high quality clothing to the mass market in the early 90s, later we provided local business owners in various regions with the opportunity to efficiently invest their funds in opening of new SELA brandname stores.

The twenty-year period of the company′s development serves a comprehensive reflection of the trends of the civilized fashion retail system being created in Russia – starting from that total deficit of quality clothes in the era when things were only sold and bought in open marketplaces, and up to the high competition between fashionable products seen in a lot of modern shopping malls today. The concept of a brandname retail store suggests presentation of the full selection of the SELA trademark: clothes for women, men, teenagers, and children, along with the unified merchandise concept, logistics management system, sales stimulation and discount programs.

The company was the first on the Russian market ever to introduce its own brandname retail concept based on the clear description of every single business process and standard. Later, that SELA′s experience in establishing a brandname trade system was borrowed by a lot of fashion companies all over Russia. The SELA Corporation leads the Russian market for fashion wear of the midprice segment.

Today, SELA represents an international, vertically integrated corporation producing and selling midprice casual wear. The status of an international brand is now ensured by SELA′s commercial offices in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Israel, China, as well as by the distribution and sales network established in six different countries.

We go on developing and are always ready for cooperation with new partners in new geographical areas.

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