公司擁有一批高素質的優秀管理人才,同時從歐洲、日本、台灣引進的先進食品生產設備,是一家集開發、生產、銷售於一體的現代食品企業。近年來更以“精益珍”的巧克力和草莓甜甜圈為公司目前的主導產品,它採用歐洲所監製製成的巧克力配方,結合現代營養學理論,經過精心研製而成的一種營養豐富、口味香濃的高級健康營養食品,是休閒、旅遊的好選擇,更是饋贈親朋好友的 佳禮品。
“ 精益求精,顧客至上”是“精益珍”的服務宗旨,“一流的品質”是精益珍的永恆追求。新的一年中,精益珍將一如既往致力於新產品的研究、開發,走一條傳統與時尚相結合的大道,與您共享新產品帶來的每一份快樂!
JING JIH JEN FOOD CO., LTD. was founded in Taiwan from 1963. Our company specializes in confectionery, mainly producing and selling chocolate puffed snacks, strawberry puffed snacks, pancake and onion rings…etc. Our company treasures talented people since the very beginning. We are proud to own a group of highly qualified, executive talents. We use advanced food processing equipments from Europe, Japan and Taiwan. Our company is a modern food enterprise which combines with the ability of production, development, and sales.
We provide the newest products which are Chocolate Puffed Snacks and Strawberry Puffed Snacks. “Taste them. Feel like a party in your mouth.” The safety and quality of food are always the primary issues to us. “High quality is our guarantee to customers”. Our goal is to create a sweet and happy time for all consumers.